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COP28 UAE - "Engagement in Climate Action"

COP28 is a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to combat climate change. Originating from the inaugural COP held in Berlin, Germany, in 1995, these conferences have played a pivotal role in driving transformative action on a global scale. Notably, the historic Paris Agreement, achieved during COP21 in 2015, stands as a testament to the profound impact of these gatherings. The COP serves as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, bringing together 197 countries, along with the European Union, as

Driving Global Climate Action: COP28 UAE

As the highest decision-making body on climate issues worldwide, COP28 unites heads of state, climate experts, political leaders, young people, and civil society representatives. The conference serves as a crucial platform for governments and non-governmental entities to forge agreements, develop policies, and establish networks that drive progress in addressing the urgent challenge of climate change. With its collaborative nature and global participation, COP28 aims to catalyze collective action and create