Other Publications

IPA presents an analysis of the most recent monetary policy updates in light of the latest devaluation, offering insights into the economic implications.

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The startup ecosystem in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region has undergone a transformative evolution, notably marked by a significant rise in venture capital (VC) funding over the past decade. In 2010, the region saw a modest 19 venture capital deals amounting to a total of $300 million, a figure which steadily increased in subsequent years. However, recent data indicates a concerning trend, with a 23% decline in overall capital investment observed in the past year. In 2023, MENA deals experienced a notable 34% decrease compared to the preceding year.

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In the first half of 2024, Saudi Arabia's economy underwent notable shifts, reflecting both challenges and opportunities across various sectors. Real GDP experienced a 1.7% year-on-year decline in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. However, on a seasonally adjusted basis, real GDP grew by 1.4% from the fourth quarter of 2023. The non-oil revenues hit 50% of the Kingdom's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023, the highest level ever. The non-oil sectordemonstrated robust performance with a 3.4% annual growth and a 0.9% quarterly increase. . Government activities also increased by 2.0%, signaling ongoing efforts to diversify the economy.

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This overview is an outcome of Influence Public Affairs' deliberate involvement within Egypt's legislative arena and its meticulous monitoring of activities within the parliamentary corridors. IPA has meticulously conducted an extensive assessment of the summarization of parliamentary activities during the third round, second Legislative term. This document stands as a valuable instrument for gaining insights into the achievements and significant occurrences within the legislative landscape during this crucial period

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COP28 is a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to combat climate change. Originating from the inaugural COP held in Berlin, Germany, in 1995, these conferences have played a pivotal role in driving transformative action on a global scale. Notably, the historic Paris Agreement, achieved during COP21 in 2015, stands as a testament to the profound impact of these gatherings. The COP serves as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, bringing together 197 countries, along with the European Union, as

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Sustainability reporting is a crucial business tool enabling companies to transparently communicate their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance to stakeholders through recognized standards. It extends beyond financial statements to illuminate value chains and ecosystems, driving efficiency, financial gains, and reputational enhancement, serving as a strategic catalyst for organizational transformation.

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The 2023 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank had a central focus on "Mobilizing Private Sector Finance for Climate and Green Growth in Africa." This significant event aimed to bring together African leaders, development partners, and researchers, with the participation of finance ministers and central bank governors from 81 countries, along with approximately 4,000 senior participants and development partners. The objective was to find practical solutions for raising climate finance.

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In our exploration of the intricate global finance realm, comprehending a country's creditworthiness becomes of utmost importance. Egypt's credit rating, serving as a mirror to its economic stability and fiscal well-being, takes center stage in this discussion.

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IPA is pleased to provide you with the latest credit rating updates for Egypt as assessed by Standard and Poor's. We also offer a concise analysis of the potential implications, future outlook, and the rationale behind these rating changes.

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In 2022, African economies demonstrated remarkable resilience as they navigated the challenging aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite facing dynamic shocks such as global financial tightening, spillover effects from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, subdued global growth, and persistent climatic threats, Africa managed to consolidate its recovery. The continent achieved an estimated 3.8 percent real gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2022, surpassing the global average of 3.4 percent. Notably, all but two African countries posted positive growth rates, highlighting Africa's ability to withstand adverse circumstances.

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Pioneering the Cloud First Policy for Accelerated Technological Advancements and Global Investment in the ICT Sector.

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Moody's Investors Service grants a positive outlook to Egypt's credit rating. Explore IPA's analysis of the potential implications and rationale behind this noteworthy rating change. Stay informed with IPA's analysis. #CreditRating #Moody's #EgyptEconomy"

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Discover the credit rating updates for Egypt assessed by Moody's Investors Service! IPA offers a concise analysis of potential implications, future outlook, and the rationale behind these rating changes.

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Stay informed with IPA's analysis as S&P Global Ratings upgrades Egypt's credit outlook to positive. Explore the potential implications and rationale behind this significant rating change. #CreditRating #SandP #EgyptEconomy #EconomicReform #ExchangeRate #FiscalConsolidation #InvestorConfidence #GrowthPotential #punlicpolicy #publicaffairs

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IPA presents an analysis of the most recent monetary policy updates in light of the latest devaluation, offering insights into the economic implications. #publicpolicy #monetarypolicy #cbe #devaluation #floating #economy

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