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Strategic Safeguards: Overcoming Counterfeit Maintenance Center Challenges
Strategic Safeguards: Overcoming Counterfeit Maintenance Center Challenges"

Electrolux Electrical Appliances encountered the obstacle of addressinga multitude of unauthorized maintenance centers. The task at hand wasto identify an effective resolution to combat these unaccredited"counterfeit" maintenance centers.

A organizeda series of high-level strategic discussions, unitingAgovernment and private sector representatives to address issuesrelated to unapproved maintenance centers. The forum aimed toenhance awareness, promote cooperation, and develop robustsolutions for this challenge.

A policy paper with effective recommendations was formulated whichlead to issuing a regulatory framework in the form of a white list ofservice centers certified by companies and the Industrial ControlAuthority.Moreover, the policy paper laid a foundation for a list of unapprovedcenters to include them in the formal economy.