Proven Success

A Game-Changing Project; Agri business
A Game-Changing Project; Agri business

Amid the challenges posed by climate change and water scarcity in Egypt'sagricultural sector, which has significantly impacted the country's food security, IPAexperts “during their previous positions in vital government agencies” conducted acomprehensive due diligence of foreign best practices to find strategic solutions

IPA experts played a crucial role in establishing partnerships between the Europeanside, led by the Spanish association Tecnova, and the Egyptian government, led bythe Ministry of Agriculture and AOI. Our experts not only facilitated the transfer of therequired technology to Egypt but were also actively involved in the entirecooperation process. This involvement proved to be instrumental in addressing theagricultural sector's issues, such as improving food security and irrigation water.

Thanks to our experts' efforts, Egypt was able to undertake the Middle East's mostextensive project of its kind, constructing 100,000 Feddan with greenhouses inMohamed Naguib Base. This project was a game-changer for Egypt, enabling thecountry to adopt cutting-edge European technologies and expertise in thisessential field.