Proven Success

Huawei Innovation Day
Huawei Innovation Day

Huawei faced the challenge of promoting its smart city solutions in the Egyptianindustry, leveraging the country's progress in real estate and harnessing its technologywealth for construction purposes. The goal was to open new markets and generateinterest among stakeholders in Huawei's technology for urban development.

IPA strategically consulted Huawei utilizing different public affairs tactics that led to avery important event "Innovation for Technological Urban Development" to showcaseHuawei's smart city solutions. They conducted interactive sessions on topics likefinancial technology and the digital economy, engaging stakeholders from varioussectors including finance, housing, and communications. The event highlighted thesmart cities revolution in Egypt, particularly in the New Administrative Capital.

IPA's efforts contributed to opening new markets for Huawei in Egypt by highlightingtheir technology in the context of smart cities and urban development. Such effortssuccessfully and sustainably engaged around 250 different stakeholders ranging fromgovernment officials to business community and international organizations